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What is EUS?

EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound)

  • Minimal invasive procedure in which endoscopy is combined with ultrasound to obtain images of the chest and digestive tract, adjacent organs and lymph nodes.
  • EUS is performed on an OPD basis and is well-tolerated by most people


  • EUS is performed with the patient sedated.
  • The endoscope is passed through the mouth and advanced through the esophagus to the suspicious area.
  • From various positions between the esophagus and duodenum, organs within and outside the gastrointestinal tract can be imaged to see if they are abnormal, and they can be biopsied by a process called fine needle aspiration (FNA) by inserting a needle through the stomach lining into the target. EUS with FNA lasts about for an hour.
  • Organs such as the liver, pancreas, and adrenal glands are easily biopsied, as are any abnormal lymph nodes.
  • Gastrointestinal wall can be imaged if it is abnormally thick, suggesting inflammation or malignancy.
  • EUS can be used to locate gall stones which may have migrated into the common bile duct.

Advantages of EUS:

  • EUS is used to find the cause of symptoms such as abdominal or chest pain, to determine the extent of diseases in digestive tract and lungs.
  • EUS may help in the detection of:
  • Cancer of the esophagus, lung, stomach, pancreas, colon, ampullary and rectal cancers.
  • Lymphoma
  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • Neuro endocrine tumors
  • Pancreatitis and pancreatic cysts
  • Bile duct stones
  • Rectal fistulas and faecal incontinence
  • To assess the depth of the tumour.
  • Determine the extent (stage) of cancer.
  • Determine if cancer has spread (metastasized) to your lymph nodes or other organs
  • Guide drainage of pseudocysts and other abnormal collections of fluid in the abdomen.
  • Evaluate abnormal findings from imaging tests, such as cysts of the pancreas.
  • Permit precise targeting for delivering medication directly into the pancreas, liver and other organs


  • Bleeding in case of FNA.
  • Pancreatitis, if fine-needle aspiration of the pancreas is done. Infection
  • Perforation of intestinal wall.
  • larming signs after EUS-
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Severe or persistent abdominal pain
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Black or very dark-coloured stool

Preparation before EUS:

  • Nil by mouth before EUS.
  • If EUS is being done in rectal area, bowel clearance by laxatives or enema.
  • Stop certain medications, such as blood thinners as it may increase risk of bleeding in case of FNA. If you have chronic conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, your doctor will give you specific instructions regarding your medications.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure.
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02. EMERGENCY( 24X7 )

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+91 – 79 – 2791 4444



H. pylori infection –Helicobacter pyloriis a type of bacteria that lives in the digestive tract.H. pyloriis very common; some data suggest that it is present in approximately 50 percent of people

This bacteria can cause the following, all of which can contribute to peptic ulcer formation:

An increase in the amount of acid in the stomach and small intestine

Inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract

A breakdown of the protective mucous layer

NSAIDs – The use of NSAIDs can also cause peptic ulcers in some people. They are commonly used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Many people also take low-dose aspirin daily to prevent heart attack or stroke.

NSAIDs can cause changes in the protective mucous layer of the digestive tract, leading to ulcers in some people. The risk of ulcer formation depends on multiple factors, including the NSAID type, dose, and duration of use.

Other risk factors

  • Genetics likely play a role,
  • People who smoke cigarettes are more likely than nonsmokers to develop peptic ulcers.
  • Drinking alcohol
  • certain foods
  • Psychological


Commonest symptoms are :

  • Upper abdominal pain or discomfort (often a burning or hunger-like feeling)
  • Feeling full quickly when eating
  • Stomach pain, belching, or feeling bloated after eating
  • Heartburn or acid reflux
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting (in severe cases, there may be blood in the vomit)
  • Blood in the stools (which may cause stool to appear black or tar-like)

Upper endoscopy – An upper endoscopy is a procedure in which a thin, flexible tube is inserted into the mouth and down the throat. The tube has a light and a tiny camera on the end that projects images from within the

digestive tract onto a monitor.

Ulcers can often be diagnosed through upper endoscopy. A small sample of tissue, called a biopsy, can also be taken to check for abnormal cells, cancer, or an infection withH. pylori.

Barium swallow – In some cases, a barium swallow may be done. This involves drinking a thick substance containing barium while X-rays are taken; the barium allows the digestive tract to be seen more clearly. This procedure is less common than endoscopy for diagnosing ulcers, but may be appropriate for some patients.

H. pylori testing – Anyone with a confirmed peptic ulcer should be tested forH. pyloriso that the infection, if present, can be treated.


Treatment of Acid peptic disease includes use of drugs which decreases acid secretion, drugs which improves the mucosal barrier function and helps in healing of ulcer. Your doctor can suggest better medicine for acid peptic disease.

H Pylori infection of the stomach requires H Pylori eradication medicine which includes antibiotics as well acid suppressive medicines.

H. Pylori Infection Treatment

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Super Speciality Hospital of Western India